1,890 research outputs found

    Digital marketing actions that achieve a better attraction and loyalty of users: an analytical study

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    Currently, the digital economy contributes decisively to an increase in competitiveness, especially as a digital transformation involves migrating to new technological models where digital marketing is a key part of growth and user loyalty strategies. Internet and Digital Marketing have become important factors in campaigns, which attract and retain Internet users. This study aims to identify the main ways in which users can be gained and retained by using Digital Marketing. The Delphi method with in-depth interviews was the methodology used in this study. The results of the research show the most important actions for achieving user recruitment and loyalty with Digital Marketing from the opinions of consulted experts. The limitations of this study are those related to the number of experts included in the study, and the number of research papers consulted in the literature review. The literature review and the results of this research are used to propose new solid research with a consolidated critical methodology. This research deals with a new approach that will optimize web technologies for the evolution of user trends, and therefore, will be of academic and professional use for marketing managers and web solution developers. The conclusions of the investigation show the key factors, discarding others that do not affect the optimization of conversions in B2C businesses such as the duration of the session and the rebound percentage. Likewise, the results of the research identify the specific actions that must be carried out to attract and retain users in B2C companies that use the Digital Marketing ecosystem on the Internet. The requirements for companies that wish to implement a model to optimize conversions using the current digital economy are also shown.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An active attack on a distributed Group Key Exchange system

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    In this work, we introduce an active attack on a Group Key Exchange protocol by Burmester and Desmedt. The attacker obtains a copy of the shared key, which is created in a collaborative manner with the legal users in a communication group

    Public Key Protocols over Twisted Dihedral Group Rings

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    Key management is a central problem in information security. The development of quantum computation could make the protocols we currently use unsecure. Because of that, new structures and hard problems are being proposed. In this work, we give a proposal for a key exchange in the context of NIST recommendations. Our protocol has a twisted group ring as setting, jointly with the so-called decomposition problem, and we provide a security and complexity analysis of the protocol. A computationally equivalent cryptosystem is also proposed

    ¿Trabajo social sin fundamento? : aportaciones del paradigma de la complejidad a la epistemología del trabajo social

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    El debate sobre la necesaria fundamentación teórica del Trabajo Social está hoy en plena vigencia. La necesidad de "demostrar" su cientificidad es un interés compartido con otras ciencias sociales, que en su caminar epistemológico, han "copiado" el modelo, teórico y práctico, de las ciencias naturales, deudoras del más clásico positivismo racionalista. Sin embargo este modelo "clásico" al que se aspira está puesto en cuestión por estas mismas Ciencias Naturales con la aparición de planteamientos (Teoría del Caos, Principio de incertidumbre...) que cuestionan la posibilidad de un conocimiento científico predictivo y exacto. Dentro de éstas, el Paradigma de la Complejidad, desarrollado por Edgar Morin, nos abre la posibilidad de mirar de otra forma las realidades sociales. Su desarrollo conceptual, teórico y metodológico, abre una nueva vía para "pensar" el Trabajo Social. Poniendo de manifiesto cuáles son los riesgos que conlleva trabajar desde principios basados en disyunciones y reducciones. Su Principio de auto-eco-organización, que pone en relación a individuos y entorno; su concepción del ser humano como Homo Sapiens y Homo Demens al tiempo, en una relación dialógica, en bucles, o su apuesta por la imbricación transdisciplinaria, conforman un paradigma conceptual que abre nuevas vías en el debate sobre los fundamentos del Trabajo Social. Una vía de acercamiento que no obvia, incorpora, el fin último del Trabajo Social, construir un nuevo mundo mejor, más justo y solidario, en el que se plasme la dignidad de las personas, incorporando la idea del método como estrategia de la acción, aceptando y apoyándose en la incertidumbre de las realidades sociales.In this papers, the authors want to explain the relations between Social Work and the Theory of the Complexity of Edgar Morin. For a long time, Social Work and related studies have been having a discussion about the necessity to prove their scientific character. This debate is common to other Social Sciences, and in both cases – both theoretically and practically- they have copied the model of Natural Sciences. The Theory of Complexity can offer another perspective regarding social reality. Its development, both Theoretical and practical, opens a new way to think about social intervention which warms us about the dangers of working and thinking about “reductions” denying Hawn and social complexit


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    Los cambios permanentes de las prácticas laborales, sumado a la necesidad de mayor profesionalización de la labor administrativa, técnica y de servicios en las Universidades Nacionales, ha motivado la creación del Programa de Capacitación Permanente para el Personal No Docente de la Universidad Nacional de Luján (UNLu). En este trabajo presentamos nuestra experiencia de más de diez años trabajando en el desarrollo de políticas de capacitación para el personal No Docente. Estimamos que el marco normativo que hemos impulsado y que se aplica en nuestra Institución resulta sumamente innovador dado que le asigna entidad académica a la capacitación del personal habiendo constituido un ámbito en el cual interactúan de manera sinérgica las capacidades y competencias de los docentes de las distintas unidades académicas con las necesidades de formación del personal No docente. De ese modo el programa se integra con actividades de Capacitación Formal en los niveles primario, medio y superior, este último a través de la Tecnicatura en Administración y Gestión Universitaria; e Informal, ya sea a través de actividades extracurriculares desarrolladas por el propio personal docente de la Institución o bien, conforme la especificidad de la temática, suministradas por organismos externos

    Public key protocols over the ring E_p(m)

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    In this paper we use the nonrepresentable ring E_p(m) to introduce public key cryptosystems in noncommutative settings and based on the Semigroup Action Problem and the Decomposition Problem respectively.The second author was supported by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad grant MTM2014-54439 and Junta de Andalucia FQM0211

    Overproduction of threonine by Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants resistant to hydroxynorvaline

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    In this work, we isolated and characterized mutants that overproduce threonine from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The mutants were selected for resistance to the threonine analog a-amino-13-hydroxynorvalerate (hydroxynorvaline), and, of these, the ones able to excrete threonine to the medium were chosen. The mutant strains produce between 15 and 30 times more threonine than the wild type does, and, to a lesser degree, they also accumulate isoleucine. Genetic and biochemical studies have revealed that the threonine overproduction is, in all cases studied, associated with the presence in the strain of a HOM3 allele coding for a mutant aspartate kinase that is totally or partially insensitive to feedback inhibition by threonine. This enzyme seems, therefore, to be crucial in the regulation of threonine biosynthesis in S. cerevisiae. The results obtained suggest that this strategy could be efficiently applied to the isolation of threonine-overproducing strains of yeasts other than S. cerevisiae, even those used industrially

    Tensor products of ideal codes over Hopf algebras

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    We study indecomposable codes over the well-known family of Radford Hopf algebras. We use properties of Hopf algebras to show that tensors of ideal codes are ideal codes, extending the corresponding result given in a previous paper where we study codes as ideals over the family of Taft Hopf Algebras and showing that in this new case, semisimplicity is lost